Tips to Protect Your Personal Information Online
How To Protect Your Data?
Do you know how people's personal information and data are at risk nowadays as technology becomes more advanced?
As a result, It's crucial to know how to protect yourself from hackers, And online predators.
By making a few simple changes to your devices and accounts, You can maintain security against outside parties unwanted attempts to access your data,
As well as protect your privacy from those you don't consent to sharing your information with.
ITECH VALLEY show you important tips that make you more secure online.
Use different email addresses
Use different email addresses for different kinds of accounts when you use the same email address for everything online it becomes impossible to identify where spam emails originate from and how the spammers got hold of your information in the first place, your email address may have been sold by a deceitful service,
Or it could have been involved in a data breach for one of the websites you signed up to, people who are both highly organized and methodical about their security often use different email addresses for different purposes to keep the online identities associated with them separate if a phishing email claiming to be from your bank comes to the account you use only for social media.
straightforward terms, if a person uses the same
username and email account for everything that they access, the risks are
higher for an incident. Based on an attack using a single account, a threat
actor can reuse the same account name based on an email address against other
resources and use a variety of techniques from brute force, spray attacks and
credential stuffing to attempt to compromise an account.
Top tip: Keep all of your account usernames separated and
unique when possible, and monitor emails based on the account name to help you safeguard against
phishing attacks and modern identity-based attack vectors. And it goes without
saying that the passwords for each account should be unique, complex and never
reused or recycled.
Protect your web browsing
your web browsing and delete the cache. Companies and websites track everything
you do online, every ad social network button and website collects information
about your location browsing habits and more.
The data collected reveals more about you than you might expect you might think yourself clever for never tweeting your medical problems or sharing all your religious beliefs on Facebook for instance,
But chances are good that the websites you visit regularly provide all the data
advertisers need to pinpoint the type of person you are, never underestimate
how much your browser's cachet knows about you saved cookies saved searches and
web history could point to home address family information and other personal
data be sure to delete browser cookies and clear your browser history on a
regular basis it's easy in chrome, edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer or opera
simply press CTRL shift and delete to bring up a dialog that lets you choose
which elements of browser data you want to clear.
Turn off the ‘Save Password’
off the ‘save password’ feature in browsers don't allow your browser to save
your passwords none of them if you do those passwords are vulnerable all
someone has to do is having access to your computer remotely or physically to
steal your data in place of having your web browser store your passwords make
use of a password manager by doing so the likelihood of someone viewing your
passwords is considerably lower it's not perfect, but it's far better than
handing over the security of your passwords to a web browser.
Every time you log in to a new website, the web browser will automatically load a pop-up message asking whether you want to save the username and password to Chrome. In doing so, your username and password will be synced between devices that are linked to your Google Account.
Get HTTPS or VPN and
use it you should install HTTPS everywhere extension HTTPS everywhere
automatically directs you to the secure version of a site when the site
supports that making it difficult for an attacker especially.
If you're on public Wi-Fi at a coffee shop airport or hotel to digitally eavesdrop on what you're doing, some people may want to use a virtual private network VPN,
But it's not necessary for everyone if you frequently
connect to public Wi-Fi a VPN is
useful, Because it adds a layer of security to your browsing when HTTPS isn't
available it can also provide some privacy from your internet service provider
and help minimize tracking based on your IP address but all your internet
activity still flows through the VPN providers
So if using a VPN you're choosing to trust that company over your ISP not to store or sell your data, make sure you understand the pros and cons.
Use Two-factor authentication (MFA)
Use two-factor authentication (MFA), Two-factor authentication can be a pain, but it absolutely makes your accounts more secure two-factor authentication means you need to pass another layer of authentication, not just a username and password, to get into your accounts.
Cloud computing is a powerful trend that enable the employees
to be productive anywhere at any time however the extension of the clouds leads
to security risks that extend beyond the firms perimeter the proliferation of
mobile devices means security risks are everywhere, moreover most data is
protected with a simple password which is immensely weak, foreseeable and easy
to hack, in matter of fact the main cause of breaches is compromised
credentials and data breaches are on the rise so the ultimate question is can
an organization afford to ignore the problem?? According to Panama Institute,
the average cost of breaches at organizations has passed over 4M$ per incident,
therefore the best way to address this issue is to deploy Multi-Factor
Authentication (MFA). MFA improves security by demanding users to provide a
combination they are familiar with such as a password or PIN and something may
have like a mobile phone or a fingerprint, MFA protects your data in every
situation that you are recently only protected by a password, it’s extremely
essential to smear MFA among every user and every IT measure otherwise you are
leaving your organization exposed The Centrify MFA solution enforces security
across enterprise identities and resources balancing conveniences and security
with adaptive policy; and better network security.
Integrated Backup and Antivirus
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