The term Li-Fi was coined by University of Edinburgh Professor Harald Haas during a TED Talk in 2011. Has envisioned light bulbs that could act as wireless routers
We all familiar how lightbulb works when an electrical current is applied to an LED light bulb is a constant stream of light is emitted from which we see as illumination since LED bulbs are electronic devices, therefore, the light can be modulated at extremely high speeds this can be detected by a photodetector and converted to electrical current.
With Li-Fi, your light blub is essentially your router. It uses common household LED light bulbs to enable data transfer, boasting speeds of up to 224 gigabits per second

This is the nervous system of an internet revolution lifi doesn’t replace your internet service provider you'll still need them to get the internet to your home or office via wires however once you have that high-speed connection you can deploy your fast secure lifi network using power over ethernet or power line communications,lifi offers greater density than many other radio frequencies solutions for example if you have an average wifi router in your office that provides up to 100 MB per second and 15 people are connected to that router it means you might be able to access 4 MB per seconde however with a lifi network of lights that offers 42 MB PER LIGHT even if you have only eight lights in your room those same 15 people can share more than 300 MB per second that’s dense and fast wireless communication

Lifi is also BI-DIRECTIONAL FULL DUPLEX AND HIGH-SPEED data that is transmitted and received at the same time resulting in a really fast reliable user experience especially when doing things like skype calls, video streaming and virtual reality
Lifi is fully networked that means that all the lights in your lifi network can speak to each other ad handover as you move around the space each light even has its own IP address which means that you can offer location tracking and Geofencing within your network.